One of the most important things you can do as a small business owner is learn from others who have gone before you. And a great way to learn is by watching movies about other business owners and their challenges. So today, we’re looking at five movies every small business owner should watch.
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“The Social Network” (2010)
Directed by David Fincher
Regardless of how you might feel about the real-life Mark Zuckerberg today and his company, now named Meta, this is a great movie for small business owners. It tells a captivating story of the creation of Facebook. No matter the size of your business, you can certainly relate to the initial struggles of starting from scratch and the challenges of turning an idea into a successful venture.
The film showcases the importance of having a clear vision, making strategic decisions, and adapting to changes in the market. It also highlights the complexities of managing relationships with partners and dealing with legal issues. Watching this film can inspire small business owners to be innovative, think big, and persevere through obstacles.

“The Pursuit of Happyness” (2006)
Directed by Gabriele Muccino
This movie brought me to tears when I first watched it in 06. Since then, I’ve only caught scenes here and there because that’s all it takes to stir up emotions. I didn’t dream of starting my own business at the time, I was too busy trying to juggle school, work, and a 4-year-old.
The film follows the real-life story of Chris Gardner, who went from being homeless to becoming a successful entrepreneur. It’s a powerful reminder of the resilience and determination required to overcome adversity in the business world. There are plenty of lessons to pick up including Gardner’s unwavering belief in his abilities, his ability to adapt to challenging circumstances, and his relentless pursuit of his goals.
“Up in the Air” (2009)
Directed by Jason Reitman
Okay, “Up in the Air” is not directly focused on small business owners but there are valuable lessons you can pick up from this film. The titular character is Ryan Bingham, a corporate downsizer. His job is essentially to go into companies and fire people. Bingham’s own employer is considering a proposal to do the firing over video rather than in person.
Filmed pre-pandemic, a lot has changed since the film was made. And yet, we’ve all seen the consequences of corporations who approach layoffs and terminations as simple cases of dollars and cents. You may have even started your own business after being at the wrong end of one of those meetings. You feel like the company sees you as nothing but a dollar value.
As a small business owner, you have to understand the importance of human communication and handling difficult situations with empathy. The film also highlights the need for resilience, flexibility, and the ability to pivot when faced with unexpected circumstances.

“The Founder” (2016)
Directed by John Lee Hancock
“The Founder” portrays the journey of Ray Kroc, who transformed a small hamburger stand into the golden arches behemoth you know today. The movie provides insights into the challenges faced by small business owners, such as scaling a business, managing relationships with partners, and dealing with competition.
Kroc’s relentless drive, innovative thinking, and strategic vision offer valuable lessons for entrepreneurs. The film also emphasizes the significance of branding, understanding consumer needs, and delivering a consistent customer experience. Small business owners can draw inspiration from Kroc’s determination to achieve success against all odds.
“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (2013)
Directed by Ben Stiller
“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” tells the story of an ordinary man who embarks on a transformative journey of self-discovery and adventure. While not directly about entrepreneurship, this movie resonates with small business owners who are seeking inspiration and a reminder to chase their dreams.
Walter Mitty’s journey symbolizes the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone, taking calculated risks, and embracing new experiences. It encourages small business owners to think creatively, push boundaries, and have the courage to pursue their passions.
I first watched it long before starting Rochac Figueroa and turn to it each time I need a little push in life. The film serves as a reminder that sometimes the biggest rewards come from stepping outside of the ordinary and embracing the unknown.

These are just a few of the many films you can use as inspiration for your own business journey. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for a while, these movies offer valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurship. So, next time you’re looking for some inspiration, stop the doom scroll on your phone and watch a movie instead.
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