Break up Your Content So Everyone Can Enjoy It

Today on Your Minute of Marketing

Why it’s important to break up your content into smaller chunks.

My name is Jose and I’m here to help small businesses grow through better more engaging content.

So when I started giving the advice of breaking up your content into smaller pieces, it was really mostly about blog posts, helping people write better blog posts. But the more I’ve worked with other businesses, the more I come to realize the importance of doing this on everything.

I’ve seen plenty of websites where for example, an About Us page is a giant paragraph of text talking about the company. Now, there are several things that may need to get fixed with that but today’s focus is on breaking up that giant paragraph so that it’s not just one block of text but rather one or two sentences per paragraph with some space for people to breathe. Think about what they just read and determine whether they want to continue reading this story or if they’ve read enough and are prepared to go to a different page.

And the same goes to any other sort of medium because the truth is not everybody’s going to be on the same size screen. They could be looking at it on a desktop or a phone. They could be using a screen reader. They might not be on a screen at all. For example, if you’ve written a blog post and you turn that post into a podcast.

When you do the reading of the blog post, you don’t have any pauses. You don’t stop to give your listeners any breaks or even kind of break up the blog post itself. Instead of reading, try dropping in an impromptu remark so that it doesn’t feel like you’re, well, reading.

Break things up. Include images, include bullet points for written parts, but don’t just go through it word for word without any pauses. Not everybody is going to listen or watch or read the same way.

That’s been your minute of marketing.