Stop Keyword Stuffing for SEO

Today on Your Minute of Marketing

Stop with the keyword stuffing

As a small business owner, you very quickly, when you start to review your website and how to improve your website and traffic, start to see the letters SEO or search engine optimization. These are tactics that you’re supposed to use in order for people to find your content and visit your website.

The practice as a whole works, but the issue is that a lot of times you fall into the habit of keyword stuffing, where you focus only on the keywords that you are trying to hit for your industry. Everything that you write is then filled as much as possible with these keywords—your web pages, your blog posts, your social media content, all of it.

If you’ve ever, as a consumer, gone to various websites to try to learn something new, research a particular topic, or if you just have a simple question that you want a blog post to answer, and what you find is a page that doesn’t get to the point because it is so focused on repeating the keyword that got you to the blog post in the first place, it’s one of the most irritating things you can find online. So, don’t fall into that trap.

Definitely follow other tactics, such as making sure that the images on your web pages have text behind them, and using title tags and meta tags on the background of your website. All of that is well and good, but when you’re writing content, focus on the value that you’re providing to your target customer. The keywords for your industry should naturally fall into place because of the person you’re speaking to.

Don’t fall into the keyword stuffing trap.