Write messaging that resonates with your customer

How to Write Messaging that Resonates with Your Target Customer

I often have business owners tell me their goal is to have messages that appeal to everyone. The reality is the more you try to speak to different audiences all at once, the more complicated and ineffective your message becomes. 

That’s why focusing on one customer at a time is key to great messaging. Let’s look at how to write messaging that resonates with your target customer. 

Why You Should Stick to One Target Customer

When writing copy, clarity is crucial. If you’re trying to appeal to several types of customers in one message, the effectiveness drops. 

That’s why I advocate when writing you think of a specific person: your target customer (singular). This allows you to really tap into their pain points, desires, and needs, creating messaging that feels personal and relevant. 

Speak to one person and solve their problem.

Rotate Your Messaging for Different Audiences

Okay, what if you have more than one target customer? Does this mean you can’t speak to them anymore? 

Of course not. It just means they get a different campaign and that you will rotate between your target customers. 

Craft specific copy for each customer group and distribute it accordingly. Say you run a music shop. One day, you can focus on guitar players. The next day, you can shift to hit drummers or producers. 

By rotating your messaging, you keep it simple yet relevant to each group without watering down your core message.

Keep Your Messaging Relatable and Simple

You identified your target customer, nice job! Now it’s essential to make your copy relatable to them. 

Use language they understand, share scenarios they recognize, and speak to their everyday challenges. The more you show that you understand their world, the more trust you’ll build. 

Use testimonials, case studies, or examples to demonstrate that you’ve solved similar problems for others like them.

Next, resist the temptation to cram in multiple perspectives and appeal to different demographics. You’re only complicating your message

When you try to speak to everyone, you end up with vague, generic copy that appeals to no one.

It’s a Conversation: Speak to the Person on the Other Side

The best copy speaks to one customer at a time. By tailoring your message to one target customer, you’re more likely to engage them and start a lasting relationship. And long relationships keep your business growing!

If you need help telling your brand story, creating, and implementing a content strategy, our free content guide is a great place to start. Download it here today.

Your friend,