If you’ve been around businesses for a while, you’ve no doubt heard them refer to themselves or their processes as B2C or B2B. The “B” stands for business and the “C” for consumer.
In other words, your business is categorized as one that sells “business to business” or one that sells “business to consumer.” What’s the problem with this you might ask?
Well, friend, it’s because that’s so dry! You are so much more than a consumer and you are definitely not your business.
This problem is perhaps most common among businesses that target other businesses. At least the C in consumer is identifying a single person. But a business is an entity. Who are you selling to, really?
The B2B Cleaning Company
Let’s say you sell cleaning supplies to businesses of all sizes. When you get a client, your contract may be with a business but that’s not who you’ve been talking to.
Did you set up a meeting with ABC Company? Nope. Chances are your first meeting was with Chris of ABC Company.
Chris is a human being, much like you. If Chris continued to talk to you about the possibility of buying equipment from you, it’s likely for two reasons:
- Chris needed cleaning supplies
- Chris enjoyed talking to you during the first meeting
Number two is key! Never forget it! You’re not selling to ABC Company, you’re selling to Chris. And Chris will buy from you (not your company) if you solve his problem AND he gets along with you.
The B2C Spot
Now let’s look at B2C. Yes, a consumer is a person who buys things but should you really classify your customer that way?
You’re a small business. Your customers are more than dollar bills walking in through your doors, giving you a call, or visiting your website. Let them know that.
As your customers frequent you more, you should learn their names. If you’re running a restaurant, you should know what they like to eat, what they like to drink. This is how you build a successful business.
So remember, the next time someone asks you if your business is B2B or B2C, tell them the truth. Your business is H2H — Human to Human.
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Your friend,