Marketing can be tough for small business owners. You look to big names like Apple, Nike, North Face, and wonder how you can compete.
Thing is, you don’t have to compete with them. They have huge marketing departments and even bigger marketing budgets.
So let’s start by eliminating marketing from your language.
Why? Because the term already carries weight and you don’t need more on your shoulders.
Instead of marketing, think of relationships. It is February after all.

Relationships Are About People
Marketing is a business term. It makes you think of work, dollars, and data.
On the other hand, relationships are about people. You are a person and you want another person to find you.
Once you realize this, you can be yourself when building a relationship with your special someone: your ideal customer.
Here are three ways to build a solid relationship with your customer:
❤️ One at a time
People want to know they have your undivided attention. If you’re writing a message, write it as if you’re writing to one person instead of a crowd of people.
If you run a store and a customer asks about a product while you’re straightening a shelf, stop working on the shelf while you answer their question.
The same is true if you provide a service. Stop multi-tasking and give the customer your attention. Make sure they know they’re special to you.
❤️ Be you
If you want to build a strong relationship, you must be yourself when you’re with your special person.
If your ideal customer doesn’t like you for you, they are not your ideal match.
When you create content on social media, share your personality, interests, and values and you’ll connect at a deeper level.
❤️ Always show them you care
Once you start a relationship with your customer, it’s up to you to continually remind them they’re special.
If you haven’t seen them in a while, drop them a line or maybe even a gift. And when you’re together, do what you can to wow them.
Don’t assume even a regular customer is a customer for life. If you take them for granted and they feel like you’re preoccupied with your next customer and not them, they will find another business to make them feel special.
Go Find Your Special Person
Valentine’s Day may be over but you don’t need a special day to show your customer you love them.
So get out there! Find your customer, build the relationship, and strengthen the bond every day.
If you need additional content marketing help, contact me today to set up an introductory call.
Your friend,